For general life reads, the Seven Chakras spread is ideal. If you the seeker have no particular query in mind and are merely searching for an overarching "big picture" interpretation of your life then this is a great spread based on Yogic and Hindu Philosophy.

(Card 1)ROOT CHAKRA: FOUNDATION Signifies the existence of your stability. This is what you are rooted in. Use the card here to gauge your leadership and fighting abilities, your personal sense of safety or security, sense of belonging, and general energy and stamina.
(Card 2)SACRAL CHAKRA: EMOTIONS/CREATIVITYCard 2 demonstrates the mental plane of the Seeker, imagination, some creative endeavors. Here, you may also look at your expectations and concerns. Sex and sexuality are both linked to the Sacral chakra.
(Card 3)SOLAR PLEXUS: WORK CAREER This card is used to reflect your career concerns and will help you get a sense of the degree of success and determination you possess. In your profession, the Solar Plexus chakra refers to the ego, personal strength, the wheel of energy, and how much desire you possess for success.
(Card 4)HEART CHAKRA: LOVE/RELATIONSHIPS Card 4 refers to your devotion and family ties, while your sympathy towards mankind, sense of charity and benevolence may also be indicated more broadly. In essence, Card 4 provides a sense of how kind you are, and it will help a assess your attitude to love and relationships.
(Card 5)THROAT CHAKRA: COMMUNICATION You may get a sense of your experience and education, how you express your thoughts, and how you interact with the world. This card location is your relation to others and how that relationship is conveyed or transmitted. This card also denotes your role in society.
(Card 6)THIRD EYE CHAKRA: INTUITION Reflects your spirituality and faith. Card 6 will include a sense of how you think: the clarity of mind, insights, wisdom, justification, and imagination you presently possess.
(Card 7)CROWN CHAKRA: YOUR HIGHER SELF Card 7 is the chakra of the Crown, which states your karma. This is about a higher consciousness being reached. Will you have to solve an unfinished business? What is the most likely future result for you? Card 7 solves these concerns and helps you to learn about your life from a higher plane of thought. The Crown chakra provides a sense of how you, greater divinity, or the principle of God, is related to God. This is the card that reflects the higher self within. Card 7 shows you in your best possible manifestation in the coming reality.
(To learn more about the 7 Chakra Tarot Spread click here.)
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